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Garden and Landscape

*Workshops can be adjusted to fit time constraints and can be held in various locations: outside, inside, or online as a webinar*

Attracting Beneficials & Deterring Pests

Cat loves to talk about weeds and bugs, both beneficials and pests. Learn the difference, how to identify them, and about systems you can put in place to foster an environment to support a balanced diversity of their populations in your yard and garden without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Topics include: common garden pests and organic controls, beneficial insects and companion plants, responsible integrated pest management.

See Cat's Slides on Attracting Beneficials & Deterring Pests

Edible Landscaping

With a focus on edible and medicinal perennials, this class will help you to plan for maximum diversity, high production, low maintenance, and year-round ecosystem services that also provide a beautiful garden landscape full of height, texture, and color, where there is always something in bloom. We’ll learn about soil health, mulching, polycultures, and community building above and below the ground. 


Growing Edible Communities

Cat has been educating and building community around growing food and soil for 10 years in the Upper Valley. Cat manages the edible schoolyards and hot-compost systems at various schools and community projects including the Upper Valley Apple Corps, which plants and cares for fruit and nut trees and edible landscapes in public places throughout the Upper Valley; the fruit is free for the picking. The goal is to build skills, increase food security, and to literally deepen the roots of our community landscapes. In this presentation, Cat will share stories of the growing edibility of our public commons and discuss the stacked yield potential of these community treasures.


Grow Food Everywhere: Regenerative Gardening

As we learn about the significance of soil life we are finding out that disturbing the soil is no longer recommended but how do we learn to transition away from tillage? Cat will share the science behind no-till and resources and basic practices to create conditions for thriving ecosystems and employing the soil health principles to your lawn, garden and backyards to help you make the transition toward less soil disturbance with confidence.

Watch Cat present on Zoom for the Regenerative Agriculture for the Home Gardener Webinar as part of 350VT's Earth Day events and their Put Carbon in the Ground Campaign.

See Cat's Slides on Regenerative Gardening

Interested in having GMWL lead a workshop?

Contact Cat at

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