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Compost and Zero Waste
*Workshops can be adjusted to fit time constraints and can be held in various locations: outside, inside, or online as a webinar*
For Everyone:

Backyard Compost 101 aka Spoiled to SOIL

Reduce your trash size and smell, feed the soil, save money and the planet! Learn about the spectrum of possible and practical ways to manage trash including composting in the backyard. We’ll cover the basics of recycling, vermiculture, hugelkulture, and get into detail about compost ingredients and recipes, bin types and management systems. Learn about the spectrum of practical compostable ingredients and how to construct a pile that applies principles of structure and density to ensure that your living compost can hold air and water, creating the conditions that diverse microbial populations need to thrive. Suitable for all levels of understanding, and applicable for all sizes of family and neighborhood compost systems. Cat’s enthusiastic and simple approach to composting will surely activate your interest and demystify the process.

Watch Cat: Compost Workshop at Fletcher Library (June 14, 2017)

See Cat's slides on Compost 101


For Schools:

Changing the Waste Culture at School

It typically takes two years to get a handle on the systems needed to improve waste management and to affect behavior changes in both staff and students at school. This presentation takes us through the processes of source separation of recycling and organics, waste reduction initiatives, best and other options for gaining compliance with Act 148: Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law, and covers the recommended timeline, steps, systems, and support that are necessary to have in place before you begin planning for composting at school.


School Composting 101

Composting at school is often the least expensive and most educationally rich option for managing food waste, enriching garden and schoolyard soil, and even managing flooding and drought! Composting is easy to do but it does require planning to ensure that everyone's comfort zone is considered. This introductory presentation includes an overview of hot composting with a focus on the best practices for planning for your compost site, bin design, and recipe development, sprinkled with a variety of curriculum connections. Bring your concerns, questions, fears, and skepticism. GMWL's enthusiasm and knowledge will leave you feeling confident and inspired.


For Farms:

On-Farm Composting (Hire Farmers to Close the Nutrient Loop!)

Learn how to increase the productivity of your farm compost, manage piles for pathogen kill and organic certification, and boost the microbial inoculum to improve fertility in your farm fields. The class will focus on larger-than-backyard systems and balancing recipes for incorporating food scraps from your community and farmstand.

Interested in having GMWL lead a workshop?

Contact Cat at

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